Sunday, January 22, 2006

Todays Quote - Oprah Winfrey

Today's Quote

The thing you fear most has no power.
Your fear of it is what has the power.
Facing the truth really will set you free

-Oprah Winfrey

It was so weird to get this quote this morning. 

I am so glad it is Sunday!  Friday & Saturday is gone.  Thank the Lord.  I don't know why I was in a funk, but I just hate those days.  I guess though... If I didn't have the funk days...I could not appreciate on the normal days, and shine on stellar days.  I think I speak my mind again.  I haven't had visitors in two days here, and I believe that my link is off the movie addicts page.  I really don't care who reads this, I speak the truth.  I don't know very many, if really anybody like me. As a child I attended Bible school every Sunday, that is where I developed my morals, and sense of wanting to help everyone and save the world.  After high school,  I got a job selling Compact, "the pig"  vaccum cleaners.  My boss was a very optimistic person, who had super people & selling skills.  He taught me that I could do anything. I worked there two weeks, I sold 6 vaccums.   That was pretty awesome.  I was the top seller.  I quit that job to work in the steel mill.  Back in the 70's,  the school pretty much groomed you to be a housewife and mother, or. work in the steel mill..  Thanks to the new government regulations on minorities, I landed a job at the MILL!  Yeah, I thought I would get a job like scrubbing toilets, maybe flagging down rail cars...NOT...   they put me in the blast furnace.  I was a clay person.  I hated that job so much... it was so dirty, so hot, but I made 6 bucks an hour straight after high school.  I had a big black superintendent.  He told me right up front, that he did not like women in the steel mill, and he would do everything he could to get  me too quit.  He taught me not to be intimdated.  I worked at the mill for 3 months.  My probation was 90 days, on the 91st day, my superintendent congratulated me and welcomed me to this crew.  I told him I quit and ran away to New Orleans.  There is where I learned independence.  I loved New Orleans.  I got married and had a child... I could not even think of raising a child there.  I moved back to Indiana, and pretty much have led a sheltered life since then.  I had a second baby...  My goal for the past 20 years was to stay stable and raise my children to the best of my ability.  My baby will be 17 soon, and I feel something really big is going to happen soon...everyday the feeling gets stronger...what why when how...I still do not know or understand...but I have a feeling it has to do with my new friend.  

No Rules.  No Excuses.   No Regrets.


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