Tuesday, January 24, 2006


I don't think I have anymore visitors.  It has been 3 days now, since I had astronomical numbers  on my  page counter.  It was kinda funny to see that my stupid rantings were read 15 - 20 times a day.  LOL!  I hope to post some good new soon.  I got a new lead yesterday.   I told a tale of my exploits the last couple of months. It is a really cool story.  I think I will write them soon in this journal...this is stuff I don't ever want to forget.  I figure one day I just may write a book.  I have the name..  "Adventures in Dining." .    I have met some fascinating people at work, this is where I got the name of my future book.    I have met Nelly,  Ben Folds, I have an autographed all access pass as a souvenior.  I met Lucky Boys Confusion, my husband unknowling started an argument between the Union Board, and the band .  I was there for the ruckus, and was very shocked to learn that my husband started it a few hours before.  It was a free concert to the students.  My husband asked the lead singer how they could play for free.  Well the band member did not have a clue how they were getting paid.  A couple hours later,  their promoter and asst Union Director had a tad of a heated  discussion...lol...about  the CD and T shirt sales.  I did get a free autographed Tee Shirt from them.    I served dinner to the New York Fire Chief in January 2002.  I have an autographed doily from that event.  That was a facinating evening.   Hmm...  what else?  I have a signed napkin from...  well I have to finish this  later...  Monroe Mann will have a chapter.  I cannot reveal the natural of this chapter yet, and how it ties in with my job,  but  it will be a good one. 

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