Sunday, January 29, 2006

Bowling Night II... spoke too soon about the raffle

Well, I should have figured something was up about the gaming commission and our raffle...  Cracks my Happy Ass off!  OMG!  It is really amazing the shit I can start...  I don't mean to start it ...but it just happens...I knew  something  had to be coming  up.   I am a very content and happy person... but it seems when something comes around and just happens to chap my hide....  my convictions are so strong.... I will fight anybody....  ATTICA..  ATTICA...  OMG!  It was so amazing the people who stood behind me tonight...  I had probably 12    people chanting that tonight! OMG!  I had been  joking around all night about going to jail about our raffle, all night , as I passed around    and showed everyone on my league the flyer for the raffle for the bike.   What happens???  A board member (btw, I personally know)   from the USBCNWIBA (or what ever the hell it is called now)  came to me and told me our raffle was illegal.... He chapped my hide...Big Time!   OMG! It was so funny, I do not know how I kept my straight face through the whole conversation.....sometimes I think I really do have!  anyway I digress as usual....I asked him to explain  the difference was between my leagues raffle, and the USBCNW...blah blah blah's raffle....He said  our raffle was being done at the bowling alley, that  has a liquor liscense, and it involved the excise police also.... ewww..   biggie!   I thought...then  I asked him... your raffle is going to be drawn at the annual awards meeting, it is publicize that there will be a cash bar available, which means someone there holds a  liquor license.  I told him I didn't see the diff....  he stammered around a few, then confessed to me he really wanted to talk to me about his daughter....OMG!  What a stool....he got word that my kid was a groupie of Know Lyfe, and other kill bands around our little hick town.. His darling daughter  had been going to the same  shows and had dropped my kids name, a couple of times... He wanted me to tell him  what  I could  what his kid was into....hell if I know.  My kid has not given me any reason not trust her.... I told him  that   maybe he did not let his kid dye her hair...get piercings and a tatoo... maybe she would think her behavior was not  OK...  duh!   I tried  to end the  conversation with good night, and until he could me show me legal proof, I WAS NOT going to stop our raffle...  he  rambled about this person who gave   him   a business card ...  then gave me one... ( I had already e-mailed her and got no  Why do people try to bully people???  If he would have called me at home to ask about his kid... I would have done anything to help him....why such a stool and use bowling as a cover?  I had researched this matter  for  a couple of hours... (couple  and gave him the quote from the gaming commission...which he said was wrong....   damn male egos...   roflmao!   I won that battle... I WILL win the war! 

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