Monday, January 30, 2006

Radio Debut

I am so excited!  I had been asked to introduce Monroe's band " Running for Famous",  tomorrow night.  I will talk about Monroe, how I got to know of him, what he is doing now, and I will be discussing his books,  " Battle Cries" , and  "Guerilla Marketing".. co-authored by Jay Conrad Levinson.  I am still trying to arrange a live telephone interview with Monroe.  This is so exciting!  I would have never ever thought I would be on a radio show...  So kewl.. 

Sunday, January 29, 2006

Bowling Night II... spoke too soon about the raffle

Well, I should have figured something was up about the gaming commission and our raffle...  Cracks my Happy Ass off!  OMG!  It is really amazing the shit I can start...  I don't mean to start it ...but it just happens...I knew  something  had to be coming  up.   I am a very content and happy person... but it seems when something comes around and just happens to chap my hide....  my convictions are so strong.... I will fight anybody....  ATTICA..  ATTICA...  OMG!  It was so amazing the people who stood behind me tonight...  I had probably 12    people chanting that tonight! OMG!  I had been  joking around all night about going to jail about our raffle, all night , as I passed around    and showed everyone on my league the flyer for the raffle for the bike.   What happens???  A board member (btw, I personally know)   from the USBCNWIBA (or what ever the hell it is called now)  came to me and told me our raffle was illegal.... He chapped my hide...Big Time!   OMG! It was so funny, I do not know how I kept my straight face through the whole conversation.....sometimes I think I really do have!  anyway I digress as usual....I asked him to explain  the difference was between my leagues raffle, and the USBCNW...blah blah blah's raffle....He said  our raffle was being done at the bowling alley, that  has a liquor liscense, and it involved the excise police also.... ewww..   biggie!   I thought...then  I asked him... your raffle is going to be drawn at the annual awards meeting, it is publicize that there will be a cash bar available, which means someone there holds a  liquor license.  I told him I didn't see the diff....  he stammered around a few, then confessed to me he really wanted to talk to me about his daughter....OMG!  What a stool....he got word that my kid was a groupie of Know Lyfe, and other kill bands around our little hick town.. His darling daughter  had been going to the same  shows and had dropped my kids name, a couple of times... He wanted me to tell him  what  I could  what his kid was into....hell if I know.  My kid has not given me any reason not trust her.... I told him  that   maybe he did not let his kid dye her hair...get piercings and a tatoo... maybe she would think her behavior was not  OK...  duh!   I tried  to end the  conversation with good night, and until he could me show me legal proof, I WAS NOT going to stop our raffle...  he  rambled about this person who gave   him   a business card ...  then gave me one... ( I had already e-mailed her and got no  Why do people try to bully people???  If he would have called me at home to ask about his kid... I would have done anything to help him....why such a stool and use bowling as a cover?  I had researched this matter  for  a couple of hours... (couple  and gave him the quote from the gaming commission...which he said was wrong....   damn male egos...   roflmao!   I won that battle... I WILL win the war! 

Bowling Night!

Bowling night.  It will be strange with James not being there and all.  I just talked to James,  he was out looking around today.  He went to the camp I had talked about last year.  I think I have pics on that entry before it was blown away.  It is a mess, he walked down the road and he did find pieces of the house a bit down the road.  They did fix the road to get there, I think they had to fix it a while ago, since the twin span bridge was out.  That road is about the only out of the way road to New Orleans to the east.  Mother Nature did not  just pick on the minorities.  James told me of Eden Isles.  Million dollar homes.  You used to be not able to go through the neighborhood by car if you did not live there.  I was able to go through there by boat in July, the home were awesome.   You can go through there now.  NO ONE is there.  If a house is still standing, it was totally washed  empty by the flood waters.  He said it was so odd.  40 homes gone,  one was standing.  One house here one house there.  Junk  and wood all over.  Yikes!  Well I have to get out of this depressed spell and GET READY TO RUMBLE!  woo, hoo...  o yes it's bowling night, it will be alright, o yes it's bowling night, o what a night!  (o,what a night!)  la la.....  heehee!


 I got this in my e-mail today from the secretary of the USBCNWIMBA (or whatever the hell it is now). This cracks me up.  This is from the same guy who sent me e-mail that our raffle is illegal.  Hmm.  I wonder if he will willing to shout "ATTICA" also, or if some strange reason, my e-mails to the gaming commission, and excise police may have reversed some decisions, I may not of heard about yet... Hmm...  It does make one wonder.  I have been getting crazy stuff done lately.   If you stopped by to see what's up...and want a ticket, let me know, I will hook you up. 

 A T T E N T I O N     L E A G U E    

 S E C R E T A R I E S  


WIN A BRAND NEW HARLEY DAVIDSON                               DYNA "STREET BOB"   


Limit of 1500 TICKETS @ $20.00 each available from any NIUSBC BA Board Member. For complete details/rules/prizes see our website WWW.NIBA.US/ Drawing Sunday July 16, 2006 at the Annual Association Meeting

Newest Break Diving member

I am still up at 5:30 am.  I have been reading Monroe Mann's Break Diving Discussion Board for hours now.  I had been accepted into the discussion group earlier today, oops, better make that yesterday!    Wow!  I can't believe I am in the midst of the  powerful,  famous and soon to be famous  people who are in this group that I am now a part of.   I am so psyched!   I had no clue who all and what all Monroe  is involved with.   WOW!  The haters would just shit bricks.   I can feel something special is on the horizon...  that feeling is getting stronger with each day passing.  All I have to do is figure out what it is and how to handle it. I feel  it has something to do with Monroe, he certainly does not need my help..why would I be so compelled to help him ?  Yikes!    My head is just spinning.  OMG!  I am crazy!  ...  but I love it  :) 

Saturday, January 28, 2006

James is in New Orleans

James left yesterday for New Orleans, his sister Trudy, is very ill.  She had a heart attack in October and had a triple bypass (I think, I don't think quadruple?).  She went in the Slidell, hospital last Saturday, they thought she had pneumonia, then congestive heart failure.   She was later told, that the veins they took out of her leg for the bypass were shriveled up.  They are still debating to send her to Oshner, and put her on a list for heart transplant or to Mayo, and try something never done before.  I think she needs to get the hell out of NEW ORLEANS!  She is really scared and she thinks she is going to die.  James is on his way to see her now.  He said everything, everywhere, he sees  is just wrecked up.  Almost every house in Slidell, and Pearl River has blue tarps on their roofs, if they have a roof. He hadn't really been around yet.  I am so sad for those folks down there.  He said there are tiny FEMA trailers, with no windows except for the bathroom scattered about.  I can only imagine.  My brother- in- law says there are still people waiting for these FEMA trailers, they have folks still living in tents today! 

I kind of feel guilty sitting here goofing around online.  I was actually having a good time before I called James.  I thought Knowlyfe was coming today, but it is next week.  I don't think they will stay over here now, I am not sure how long James will be away.  I have to behave myself though.  I enjoyed maybe one or two,  too many Rum & Cokes.  I had fun last night, home alone, goofing around online, I think, I had fun...LOL!  I don't think I could of gotten myself into too much trouble..???  I did write a couple of letters and sent them. I remember that, those were done early.  I was working on one project though, I am not sure if I sent it.  I hope not now, 'specially since I don't remember it. oh well.  I am looking forward to tonight, when I will get to do the same thing, scratch the rum though.  I have to work until 10:30.  I need alone time sometimes, I don't get too much, so I really do enjoy chillin' by myself, when I get the chance.  This gives my brain a chance to cool down.  I am constantly thinking about everybody and everything all the time.    I probably will be going nuts ina couple of days by myself...hmmm doubt it. lol   This will give me the time to work harder on my projects, I can slap Tammi a bill to buy dinner, and I do not have to worry about anyone right now.  Tomorrow is bowling!  I won't be bored tomorrow.  Tuesday is booked.  I am hoping other things pan out inbetween.  I think I am getting impatient with some of my endeavors.  People just don't want to move at my pace.  hmm, maybe they just can't.  I like to fix a problem as soon as possible.  I hadn't heard anything from the gaming commission or excise police.  I had posted my raffle dilemma on a couple of message boards, no opinions yet for that one either.  Well of to get ready for my daily endeavor.. Work!  I have a feeling it my just be a good night! 

Friday, January 27, 2006

January 27, 2006

January 27, 2006

A large opportunity awaits and you are the catalyst that can make it happen. Don't wait for the big deals to fall in your lap automatically. Take some initiative today and you will be amazed by the results. You have the resources you need to succeed.


I have to make a phone call!  :)

Lunch date

I am so excited!  I have a lunch date this afternoon . ..woo hoo!  I can't expose who or what that . .. but soon!  :)  OMG! Wild and crazy times lately!  The bands will be back to finish their video this weekend,  my radio interview Tuesday,  wow!  My head is just spinning. 

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Running for Famous Radio Debut

I am so excited!  I have been asked to be a guest on WVUR 95.1, on Tuesday, January 31 during an 8 - 10 show.  I am going to tell my story about Monroe Mann, and they will debut  his bands' CD!  Wow!  Is this awesome or what !?!  I came home and  read my horoscope for today......

Greetings Debbie --

Here is your horoscope for Wednesday, January 25:

You're filled with a powerful desire to be useful and productive. This, combined with your naturally altruistic spirit, compels you to work extremely hard on another's behalf. You can expect great results.

I have been working really hard to promote Monroe...I still don't know why..but I am having so much fun!  :)  I can't wait to see what all this will bring..


Tuesday, January 24, 2006


I don't think I have anymore visitors.  It has been 3 days now, since I had astronomical numbers  on my  page counter.  It was kinda funny to see that my stupid rantings were read 15 - 20 times a day.  LOL!  I hope to post some good new soon.  I got a new lead yesterday.   I told a tale of my exploits the last couple of months. It is a really cool story.  I think I will write them soon in this journal...this is stuff I don't ever want to forget.  I figure one day I just may write a book.  I have the name..  "Adventures in Dining." .    I have met some fascinating people at work, this is where I got the name of my future book.    I have met Nelly,  Ben Folds, I have an autographed all access pass as a souvenior.  I met Lucky Boys Confusion, my husband unknowling started an argument between the Union Board, and the band .  I was there for the ruckus, and was very shocked to learn that my husband started it a few hours before.  It was a free concert to the students.  My husband asked the lead singer how they could play for free.  Well the band member did not have a clue how they were getting paid.  A couple hours later,  their promoter and asst Union Director had a tad of a heated  the CD and T shirt sales.  I did get a free autographed Tee Shirt from them.    I served dinner to the New York Fire Chief in January 2002.  I have an autographed doily from that event.  That was a facinating evening.   Hmm...  what else?  I have a signed napkin from...  well I have to finish this  later...  Monroe Mann will have a chapter.  I cannot reveal the natural of this chapter yet, and how it ties in with my job,  but  it will be a good one. 

Sunday, January 22, 2006

Todays Quote - Oprah Winfrey

Today's Quote

The thing you fear most has no power.
Your fear of it is what has the power.
Facing the truth really will set you free

-Oprah Winfrey

It was so weird to get this quote this morning. 

I am so glad it is Sunday!  Friday & Saturday is gone.  Thank the Lord.  I don't know why I was in a funk, but I just hate those days.  I guess though... If I didn't have the funk days...I could not appreciate on the normal days, and shine on stellar days.  I think I speak my mind again.  I haven't had visitors in two days here, and I believe that my link is off the movie addicts page.  I really don't care who reads this, I speak the truth.  I don't know very many, if really anybody like me. As a child I attended Bible school every Sunday, that is where I developed my morals, and sense of wanting to help everyone and save the world.  After high school,  I got a job selling Compact, "the pig"  vaccum cleaners.  My boss was a very optimistic person, who had super people & selling skills.  He taught me that I could do anything. I worked there two weeks, I sold 6 vaccums.   That was pretty awesome.  I was the top seller.  I quit that job to work in the steel mill.  Back in the 70's,  the school pretty much groomed you to be a housewife and mother, or. work in the steel mill..  Thanks to the new government regulations on minorities, I landed a job at the MILL!  Yeah, I thought I would get a job like scrubbing toilets, maybe flagging down rail cars...NOT...   they put me in the blast furnace.  I was a clay person.  I hated that job so much... it was so dirty, so hot, but I made 6 bucks an hour straight after high school.  I had a big black superintendent.  He told me right up front, that he did not like women in the steel mill, and he would do everything he could to get  me too quit.  He taught me not to be intimdated.  I worked at the mill for 3 months.  My probation was 90 days, on the 91st day, my superintendent congratulated me and welcomed me to this crew.  I told him I quit and ran away to New Orleans.  There is where I learned independence.  I loved New Orleans.  I got married and had a child... I could not even think of raising a child there.  I moved back to Indiana, and pretty much have led a sheltered life since then.  I had a second baby...  My goal for the past 20 years was to stay stable and raise my children to the best of my ability.  My baby will be 17 soon, and I feel something really big is going to happen soon...everyday the feeling gets stronger...what why when how...I still do not know or understand...but I have a feeling it has to do with my new friend.  

No Rules.  No Excuses.   No Regrets.


Saturday, January 21, 2006

Sun in Aries:

     The truth that each of us is essentially alone and that we must ultimately answer to ourselves regarding our choices in life is one that resonates deeply within you.  Thus, Debbie, your first loyalty is to yourself and to living your own life as authentically as possible.  When you are most yourself, you are a risk taker, a trailblazer, forging your own path rather than following anyone else's lead.  

 Whether or not you have the courage to do so, to boldly assert yourself and follow your own star - standing alone when necessary - is crucial to fulfilling your life purpose.

Friday, January 20, 2006


By Christian D. Larsen

Be so strong that nothing can disturb your peace of mind.

Talk health, happiness, and prosperity to every person you meet.

Make all your friends feel there is something in them.

Look at the sunny side of everything.

Be as enthusiastic about the success of others as you are about your own.

Forget the mistakes of the past and press on to the greater achievements of the future.

Give everyone a smile.

Spend so much time improving yourself that you have no time left to criticize others.

Be too big for worry and too noble for anger.

Today's Horoscope

Greetings Debbie --

Here is your horoscope for Friday, January 20:


Must be the weather.  We didn't get the snow last night, but they say it is coming tonight.  Goodie, early morning tomorrow too.  I hate to go to work.  I hate the concept,  I hate getting up at 4 am, and I hate planning to go to work.  Good thing,  I love my job...I love my job...  I love my job.  I love my job....  Positive affirmations...  Yikes!  I do love my job.  I meet new and exciting people everyday.   I have friends  from all over the world who occasionally e-mail.  Just some days...  IT SUCKS!!!


Thursday, January 19, 2006

Chicago Trip

Back from  I make it seem like a cross country drive.  Well, things did not quite go like I expected...but... it just may work out better.  I got a lead from someone from the crew, he initialed my package and gave me a wink...  I know I will pull this off!    The drive  was awesome.  There is nothing like the view of the city as you drive over the Chicago Skyway.  Just breathtaking.  The weather was awesome.  55 degrees!  1 less day not to have to worry about sub zero temps.  Woo hoo!  I am just reading about a Winter Storm Watch.  Oh joy.  6 - 8 inches by morning...I think I jinxed myself!   Yikes!  I am so lucky to get  to be at work tomorrow at 5AM. 


Chicago Trip

Day off today.  Heading to Chicago!   Good day for a road trip.  The sun is finally shining, don't have 5 foot of snow and the temp is going to be 40.  Great winter.  Bet we get dumped with Lake Effect Snow come March.  Hope if it happens it is during my vacation, only  5 weeks.  Hmm, wonder what Spring Break will bring?   I feel it is going to be exciting. Hopefully my plans will pan out, should be just about that time, I figure.   That would be fun.  What plans?  Unfortunately, I don't want to write that yet.   I think I still have visitors,  who I do not want to share this info yet...  Oh, but it will be awesome.   It does have to do with my trip .   ;)

Sunday, January 15, 2006

Music Video

I can't add the pics tonight.  AOL is acting up again..  Just like the other night when I could not add my links or the copy of my e-mail,   AOL gets cranky at times.   Know Lyfe did not show up for the video...but the lead singer of  Straight Line Stitch and her makeup artist and crew did.  It was so awesome.  I really expected a kid with his mom's video camera to come...I was wrong!  Big Time!  Mike Pasky,   Abstruse Films , he works for a NBC affiliate in Lansing MI,  did this video.  I was definitely  impressed.   Know Lyfe will be here in two weeks.  They will finish the video then. 

Thursday, January 12, 2006

Busy Busy Busy

Busy week,  getting the place together for the video.  Looks great too!  Exciting couple of days ahead of me.    -  Lunch tomorrow!  :)

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Todays horoscope

Here is your horoscope for Tuesday, January 10:

It's a good time to be ever the cockeyed optimist, no matter how unfortunate the circumstances may look on the surface. Your relentlessly upbeat -- but never saccharine -- attitude will be a self-fulfilling prophecy.

Yikes!  Sounds like a great day.

Saturday, January 7, 2006

Desmond Heeley Info



I have two drawings that has a signature of "Heeley". I was wondering if anyone knew if Desmond Heeley of this board, could of ever created these?   (IMDb Message Board)

One is titled, "Lorenzo The Merchant of Venice." It is of a man holding a coat. It is a pencil & ink drawing, colored with marker and maybe stamps? It has material cut and glued on the sleeves of the shirt the man is wearing, with a notation, "Sleeves doubled open at the back & laced. They are two pieces of material marked "back" and the other "double". The next notation is, "Entire jacket based on the beige & green Damask. Velvet Jersey tights." It is signed Heeley '70.

The other is in ink, pencil and watercolor. It is of a woman wearing party mask, holding an arbor of flowers. It is titled "The Taming of the Shrew" an actress. Signed, Heeley '73.

I had searched for info, and had some intriguing references, but I couldn't find anything concrete.

If any of you are here from the IMDb, I know you can find out just about anything, fact or fiction. 

Friday, January 6, 2006

Today's Horoscope

Greetings Debbie --

Here is your horoscope for Friday, January 6:

Some close ties to VIPs will help you develop your options, especially when it comes to a business proposition you've been mulling over for a while. With a little discipline, you could soon see fruits from your labor.


This was in my e-mail this morning... Yikes!  That is kinda scary.

 Little Johnny at it again. 

A new teacher was trying to make use of her psychology courses. She  started her class by saying, "Everyone who thinks they're stupid, stand  up!" 
After a few seconds, Little Johnny stood up.
The teacher said, "Do you think you're stupid, Little Johnny?" 
"No, ma'am, but I hate to see you standing there all by yourself!"


I just had to share that one!

Thursday, January 5, 2006


Dan Biemer..,  Dan Dan..the accordian man.   Welcome to fav...Haunted by Waffle Houses!  Awesome! 

Thx, so much, Dan!


Josh signed this for me tonight:  " I'm not sure why anyone would want my autograph...  but thanks... it made me smile.    Josh. "     (He will be famous!)  ...Luv ya Josh! 

TY, Josh, but I didn't want your autograph ...   I just wanted the mini CD you promised me last week!  Where is your signed pic???!!!???

What the hell is going on??? Music Video

Know Lyfe is going to make their music video at my house  next weekend.   OMG....I agreed to let them stay here two weeks after that... They are not going to NYC...  they are too smart ....they are going to catch  the southern sun...lucky dogs!


 I don't know what is going on....I kinda feel like Whoopi Goldberg in Ghost...  The scene where she is talking to Sam...and she has an audience of many ghost who want to enter her body to shoot the shit....    LOL!  I found that my guestboook signature was real!     OMG!    I don't even know what the hell to think....

Know Lyfe

This is going to be a strange year, I can feel it.  The hurricanes must blew some kind of weird, but really kewl  shit up this way.  Wow!  Know Lyfe    may shoot a music video at my house.  I will know tonight, but I have to run out for paint  this morning.  I am so excited.  Either way, I will get my rec room painted!

I am going to come through for my friend, like I promised.  I was not sure I could pull it off...But I DID!   I got an e-mail yesterday!  My secret ******  told me he will stop and see me next week.  We are going to do lunch.    Woo Hoo!  I am so excited.  I amaze myself at times.   

I was also suprised to see another famous person, signed one of my guestbooks.  I am going to keep that one to myself for now.  I want to make sure that it is real. There has been some strange people reading this stupid journal.  Who'd thunk? 

I  am a nobody, if anyone does read this.   I am just a working mom. Married for 26 years,  retired Girl Scout leader - 12 years,  bowler  - 21 years,  League secretary 13 years, Secretary of the Year in 1999.  My  showbiz credits would list,  yearly talent shows at the elementary school from 1982 - 2004.  My girl scouts and I would pick a song,  and dance a few steps they  could do.  I do miss those days.  ohh...  Haunted hayride.  Three day performance doing the Haunted Mocarana.  I  may  do a skit at work occasionally,   but I am a nobody.  I don't even watch TV, except for All My Children, when I can..and I don't miss Jay Leno's Headlines.  I hate the movies, cost too much, rude & ingorant people.   I do know of  a few famous people.  I couldn't drop by their house or nothing...but I guess I can e-mail them, get a reply, and get thanked for doing so...  Too Kewl! 

 Off  to Menards.  

Wednesday, January 4, 2006

Someone stole my CD

Interesting CD title, Running for Famous.  I have to burn a copy of this CD, for me.  I had two, but...somone scooped up one  between New Years Day and yesterday.  This CD is not mine to keep.    My daughter has many music student friends, a few of her friends were other this weekend.   I guess they liked the music?  I was told, they could'nt believe, that  I liked SKA,  LOL ... is that what this is?   I just love "By(e) Now"..  That song is my new theme song.  That is good...  I think it replaces Green Days, "September."   which I unintentionaly bumped Chery'l Crowes song .   With By(e) Now maybe, I can let go of Katrina a bit.  

  Bob and Patricia left today.  I am not sure how this is going to work out.  They  are supposed to come back, for who knows how long.

  Tammi begged me to have    more houseguest at the end of the month.    Know Lyfe. They are a kill band from Michigan. They need a place to crash for a day or two.  I guess that they have a couple of local gigs, before they head to New York, I think..and she will never see them again.  Teenagers, so dramatic.   O, that is kinda wierd, NYC.    I don't appreciate their music, but the kids seem nice enough, and they do work really hard at their band.  I believe they will be famous too.  Note to self...get autographs.  Hmm,  maybe they could cover this song?  Oh yeah.... and I could sing... ROFLMAO!

Three weeks vacation, just may be a tad long for me...  2006 seems like it may a very strange year.  By(e) Now!

Tuesday, January 3, 2006

Journal will stay public

Well this morning I made my journal private.  I thought about it a while and I made it public again.  The MovieAddict, I guess has a link to one of my blogs, I am not sure if they have this one, I had been banned from that forum.  Why?  I don't know, but hey...I am honest, and I do not write anything that will get me divorced, so... who cares?  If you are here from that link...Thank you.  I am really a nobody,  but for some reason, I have reached my own If you are here from that link... I know you have questions....  I had answered them before on the  Monroe Mann board of the IMDb, but know....  you reported  laughing about that one. 

Well, lets' see.  First....I have never met Monroe, as of yet...but I do expect  "to meet him at the top!"  (really soon!)

2.  I came to know Monroe from e-mail,  looking for my nephew in Iraq,  that he was so kind to answer me.

2.a.  From IMDb post.  Yes, I found my nephew.  He is now safe at home, thank you, but you probably know that though.

3.  I do have a VIP copy of his book...I was surprised that you all did not know that it had been released to the press.  Just to let you know...  Monroe did Thank you all in an awesome paragraph  in his Acknowlegments. 

4.  I know a really big secret, but I will let Monroe announce that soon.  I can't wait til that news hits the board.  I wish I could watch all your jaws drop.


Monday, January 2, 2006

Today's Horoscope

Greetings Debbie --

Here is your horoscope for Monday, January 2:

There's nothing that makes you happier than a project you can really sink your teeth into. In fact, you'll find that with things going so swimmingly in your creative life, everything else falls into place.

Gotta love that!

 What exactly is falling into place I am not sure at this time. I just feel so good right now, it doesn't even matter.  I am going to try to help a friend. Who?   I am going to keep that a secret a little while..  What?  I don't know.  I am trying to hook up two actors together...What is in it for me...??  Nothing...  an autograph.. Got the  autograph...too kewl..  Why?  Now that is a good question...  I really don't know why..this person I promised I would help, don't even need me...I just have this feeling that I should help my friend....(my friend???  now that is too kewl)  I have a friend that people want autographs from....he plans & will be famous...   Oh...  lady you are really nuts!  That is OK though....I know I am in my own little world...but I know...people like me

Just keeping the mystery...

Bob & Patricia are leaving tommorrow....they want to come back in a week or so, they have some business in NO to take care of and then they are thinking of moving up here.  They went out to North Judson today to look at a gas station to buy. 

I spoke with Robert on the phone the other day.  He is still in the Army until Jan 13, but he is home and safe.