Saturday, December 31, 2005

I'm back

Happy New Years!

I have a couple minutes today.  Bob & Patricia are still in town.  They were planning on leaving Sunday.  I welcomed them to stay here for a while.  They have nowhere to live right now.  I am just sickened by the stories.  I read almost every day, and I miss living in NO, but I couldn't even think about going back...  I wrote a while back that I felt something big is on the horizon....well it is.  I am so excited.  I still don't know why ..why what? . why anything.  lol...  you crack me up girl!

Thursday, December 29, 2005

You have been banned from this forum.

The Movie  "You have been banned from this forum.
Please contact the webmaster or board administrator for more information."


LOL!  I didn't get kicked off the INMd...  but I tried to follow a link from there and got this message....LOL!  That is so darn funny! 

Bobby & Patricia are in from New Orleans...They brought me back my Saint Christopher Medal that I sent Robert in Iraq.  Thank God, I got it back.  I don't have time to write..but wow!  I got a lot to write about.  probably next week!  I have had so much good news lately.  My perkiness is back in full swing.  I just love the New Year!  My resolution will the same as last year, that I pretty much fulfilled.  To be the Nicest person in the world.  I will fill in details about the above and other stuff. ..  I am just so excited!  HAPPY NEW YEAR!

Friday, December 23, 2005

Merry Christmas

Been busy Christmas shopping.  Need to buy the Christmas feasts.

Monday, December 19, 2005

Back on Vacation again

I am back on vacation again.  The song I am listening to is from Monroe Manns band.  I really do like it.  Kind of a peppy poppy song, and I always liked, and get addicted to  that kind of music. You know when it keeps going though your head..over & over again.   I put it on the list with Cheryl Crowe's "Soak up the Sun"  &  Bobby McFarrins' "Don't Worry be Happy" , maybe even that stupid Gorilla song, Tammi listens to. I am very happy again.   I do go though some strange times though...  Although..people at work tell me that my bad mood days is way more happy,  than most people's HAPPY DAYS!  Last night was our bowling Christmas PotLuck.  I just love Christmas parties, there is always one special moment...I will remember this party for ever.  :)  We had a great time, the food was excellent, and more than enough for everyone. 

Friday, December 16, 2005

Still unwell

I feel like I am in the beginning of a bad movie...maybe I should make a movie.  Hmm, interesting concept, could be good.    I think I have gotten addicted to that stupid IMDb site.  I wonder about the Monroe Mann haters...they come up with so many  facts/fictions? about this guy...I check out their is like a frigin treasure hunt... kinda like  Nicolas Cage's movie, "National Treasures".   I didn't get kicked off. the imdb ... but   someone just took of my post...  maybe Monroe, trying to keep me from total embarrassment. I did cause a ruckus.   I don't know what comes over me sometimes....My heart is way bigger than I can handle, and my mind thinks way faster than I can type, or do I type faster?  Kinda funny though...the peanut gallery on the imdb, thinks I am could only dream I could write as eloquently as he.  Well time to clock out for the night.

Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Saturday, November 26, 2005

Random Thoughts

I don't know how I am feeling today.  I am home alone at 9:45 on my last day of vacation.  I like that though.  I hadn't had a moment alone since Tuesday night.  Thanksgiving was a trial, but it is over.   I had many things on my mind, and my family , we put the word "fun" in dysfunctional.  That should be all I say about that...James took Toni out bowling jackpot.  I am considering meeting them there, but I just feel to pooped to pop today.  I told James I could not be Perky every day now. I have so many feeling going though me...I think I might just be losing it.  I need to find a new adventure.  My brain is on overload now trying to brainstorm something.  I feel that something so great is on the horizon.  I feel I can almost touch it, and almost  see it...but  then...bam... I seem to get myself into trouble.  LOL...  I have too much passion for any of my matter how big or small...I give myself to it.  Many times, I look back and wonder what the hell were you thinking.  I know doubt will say that about this journal one day...

Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Thanksgiving Preparations

Fixing to go to the bank, then store to prepare for the Thanksgiving Feast... I already have a turkey.  Our  neighbor behind us brought one over the other day.  James had fixed his fence, and that was his thank you to him.  That was so sweet.  I lose faith in people...then ..bam...someone somewhere does really care about others. 

Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Kicked off Imdb message board

I crack myself up sometimes.   Trying to defend Monroe... I just had to make another post on the IMDb.  I got kicked off the message board. I forgot who, but they turned me in & said I violated terms & conditions for the site... I said a couple of things maybe I should not had...(really??)  Like anyone posting those things about Monroe should not be kicked off as well.I did get a couple of peoples goats though, before they took my post off.   LOL!  Oh well that was fun, but I was getting bored of their childish rantings.  I am off on another adventure.    I am going to and adopt a unit.  Christmas time is coming very soon, I thought I would send some lotions, to a female unit.  I need to do something constructive.   I will feel much better, supporting soldiers in Iraq , rather than farting around online with that stupid message board, and those ignorant people.  Monroe does not need me to help him...He has his own spunk and he will go far. 

Saturday, November 19, 2005

Vacation Time

I am on vacation now....I love vacations. :)
I went jackpot bowling...I won 9 whole dollars... woo hoo! Good thing I do not do this for a living...
My poor soldier..Monroe..He aspires to be great...He has me a fan...but he has some haters...sickos really.
He has a message board for the Internet Movie Data There are some really sick folks who bash the hell out of him... I made a post..saying
You all have been trashing Monroe, now for too many months. I feel you may have serious psychological issues, and need to seek professional help.

Get a life.


LOL!  I got five responses from the post...  Poor people.  nothing better to do than pick on people.  I really do think they have deep pshycological problems.

My adopted soldier is home.

My adopted soldier is home

I am so happy to hear that a soldier I had adopted is home from Iraq. His name is Monroe Mann. I was goofing around in July or August looking for info on my nephew Robert, when I ran acrossed the address of Monroe who at that time was stationed at the same FOB. Monroe is a bright young man, with an incredible future ahead of him. I wish him all the luck in the world, but I don't think he will need it. He has such drive and wisdom for a young man.

Robert is Safe! On his way home.

I finally got e-mail from Robert! He is in Kuwait, and is getting ready to leave for home. Thank God he is safe.   He will retire from the Army National Guard in 20 days.

Sunday, November 13, 2005

Bowling night

James is my husband.  We have been married for over 25 years.  He is playing his drums to get loosend up for bowling.  We bowl on Sunday nights at Camelot...I love Sunday Nights.  The only day of the week that  I know where I am going and what I am going to be doing.  I am the secretary of the league, and have been for the past 12 or 13 maybe seasons. Check out my website for my bowling league.  Sign my guest book and tell me what you think.  I would like that. The pictures above are of the bowling alley and pics from our banquet two years ago.  Some of the bowlers who did the YMCA danced for me...LOL!  I don't think I ever laughed that hard or was ever so embarrassed  in my life.   Good Times!

Tuesday, November 8, 2005

I love teenagers

MMMm  any one have teenagers?   I got one ....had one...not sure I like them....  Know  mouth..yada yada yada... the  best displicine for the rude little don't let them go online...hehehehhheee... only second to taking away the car't done that yet...but maybe soon...

Monday, November 7, 2005

Feeling Better

I feel much better today...LOL!  Nothing like a great night at the bowling alley to get your mind off of shit.  I bowled a 220 the first game..I won the $5 pot  LOL!  from Dean Eitel...I beat him out of a $3 pot last week so two weeks in a row was sweet.  I teased him about it too.  The other two games blew chunks though.  But the beer was cold, and not too much of a hang over today.  I think I am a little mental though, I get addicted to stuff.  I have gotten addicted about the war.  Supporting the troops.  Reading about Iraq and coalition casualities every day.  I found this website:  I found that I am a  support junkie.    I have all the symptoms.  I do tend to go overboard though.  I guess that is a symptom also.  LOL!  I still hadn't heard from Robert.  God keep him safe, he only has 11 days to go in Iraq.

Thursday, November 3, 2005

Wondering about myself

I am very concerned about my feelings lately.  I have high anxiety.  I fret over my family in New Orleans, rather my husbands family. Which makes me feel worse.   We went to New Orleans, last  July and reconnected after almost 20 years.  We had an awesome time while we were down there on vacation. My brother in law Bobby & his significant other Patricia let us stay in their camp on Hwy 90.  These pic are of his camp before Hurricane Katrina.  We stayed there during Tropical Storm Cindy.  The place was fine for a tropical storm, but we knew it couldn't take a hurricane.  We were planning to stay there at Christmas. But it is not there anymore.  I got really attached to everybody again.  We just gelled together again, like we had never moved away.  I got to see almost all the neices and nephews.  All the kids got bigger, and have their own children now.   I was home sick when we left, then and it only got worse. While I was there, Patricia told me her son Robert was in Iraq.  She gave me his address so I could contact him and send him support with letters and care packages.  I sent him a letter, and he e-mailed me back.  I started to feel  patriotic by sending him mail.  I vowed I would send him mail every.  I kept my vow.  I do not send him mail everyday anymore.  He told me they were closing down his FOB, and couldn't get letters anymore. I told him I would e-mail everyday until he came home from Iraq for good in about 15 days from now.  I still hadn't heard from him since my 2nd entry.  In the mean time we had Hurricane Katrina come through....Rita  and I am just going crazy worrying about everybody. I will write about those on my next entru

Wednesday, November 2, 2005

Mother Nature hates trailer courts

These are pictures of a Mereaux, LA trailer court, 8 weeks after hurricane Katrina.  Mother Nature hates trailer courts. My ex-brother in law, Vincent lived in that trailer.   I used to live in Violet, and I worked in Chalmette.  Mereaux was mid-way within 6 miles.  My sister in law, Trudy lived in a trailer court across the street, off of Judge Perez with Vincent and divorced in the 80's, before she moved to Slidell.

Tuesday, November 1, 2005

Halloween Pics

Just a few pics from Halloween at work. I was clowning around!  LOL!  I needed a  a fun night.  I have my picture with  a co-worker, Ozzy Osburne & my Student Aide  Dr. Browning. 

Monday, October 31, 2005

Worried about Robert in Iraq

These are  pictures of my nephew Spc. Robert Stogner.  He is in Tikrit, Iraq at a place called FOB Danger.  I am sad today, and very worried.  I had not heard anything from Robert since October 6.  He will be leaving Iraq in 20 days.  I pray he is OK. 

Friday, October 28, 2005

First Blog entry

This is my first entry in this blog.  I do know what this will end up being. I am sure I will probably get myself in trouble somehow, keeping a journal.