Monday, November 7, 2005

Feeling Better

I feel much better today...LOL!  Nothing like a great night at the bowling alley to get your mind off of shit.  I bowled a 220 the first game..I won the $5 pot  LOL!  from Dean Eitel...I beat him out of a $3 pot last week so two weeks in a row was sweet.  I teased him about it too.  The other two games blew chunks though.  But the beer was cold, and not too much of a hang over today.  I think I am a little mental though, I get addicted to stuff.  I have gotten addicted about the war.  Supporting the troops.  Reading about Iraq and coalition casualities every day.  I found this website:  I found that I am a  support junkie.    I have all the symptoms.  I do tend to go overboard though.  I guess that is a symptom also.  LOL!  I still hadn't heard from Robert.  God keep him safe, he only has 11 days to go in Iraq.

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