Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Kicked off Imdb message board

I crack myself up sometimes.   Trying to defend Monroe... I just had to make another post on the IMDb.  I got kicked off the message board. I forgot who, but they turned me in & said I violated terms & conditions for the site... I said a couple of things maybe I should not had...(really??)  Like anyone posting those things about Monroe should not be kicked off as well.I did get a couple of peoples goats though, before they took my post off.   LOL!  Oh well that was fun, but I was getting bored of their childish rantings.  I am off on another adventure.    I am going to anysoldier.com and adopt a unit.  Christmas time is coming very soon, I thought I would send some lotions, to a female unit.  I need to do something constructive.   I will feel much better, supporting soldiers in Iraq , rather than farting around online with that stupid message board, and those ignorant people.  Monroe does not need me to help him...He has his own spunk and he will go far. 

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