Friday, December 16, 2005

Still unwell

I feel like I am in the beginning of a bad movie...maybe I should make a movie.  Hmm, interesting concept, could be good.    I think I have gotten addicted to that stupid IMDb site.  I wonder about the Monroe Mann haters...they come up with so many  facts/fictions? about this guy...I check out their is like a frigin treasure hunt... kinda like  Nicolas Cage's movie, "National Treasures".   I didn't get kicked off. the imdb ... but   someone just took of my post...  maybe Monroe, trying to keep me from total embarrassment. I did cause a ruckus.   I don't know what comes over me sometimes....My heart is way bigger than I can handle, and my mind thinks way faster than I can type, or do I type faster?  Kinda funny though...the peanut gallery on the imdb, thinks I am could only dream I could write as eloquently as he.  Well time to clock out for the night.

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