Thursday, November 3, 2005

Wondering about myself

I am very concerned about my feelings lately.  I have high anxiety.  I fret over my family in New Orleans, rather my husbands family. Which makes me feel worse.   We went to New Orleans, last  July and reconnected after almost 20 years.  We had an awesome time while we were down there on vacation. My brother in law Bobby & his significant other Patricia let us stay in their camp on Hwy 90.  These pic are of his camp before Hurricane Katrina.  We stayed there during Tropical Storm Cindy.  The place was fine for a tropical storm, but we knew it couldn't take a hurricane.  We were planning to stay there at Christmas. But it is not there anymore.  I got really attached to everybody again.  We just gelled together again, like we had never moved away.  I got to see almost all the neices and nephews.  All the kids got bigger, and have their own children now.   I was home sick when we left, then and it only got worse. While I was there, Patricia told me her son Robert was in Iraq.  She gave me his address so I could contact him and send him support with letters and care packages.  I sent him a letter, and he e-mailed me back.  I started to feel  patriotic by sending him mail.  I vowed I would send him mail every.  I kept my vow.  I do not send him mail everyday anymore.  He told me they were closing down his FOB, and couldn't get letters anymore. I told him I would e-mail everyday until he came home from Iraq for good in about 15 days from now.  I still hadn't heard from him since my 2nd entry.  In the mean time we had Hurricane Katrina come through....Rita  and I am just going crazy worrying about everybody. I will write about those on my next entru

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