Friday, March 2, 2007

didn't remember if I archived this ... so here it is

Who is Debbie Bordelon?
The Frightening Story of a Nutter.

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Debbie Bordelon first appeared on the IMDb Monroe forum in November 2005 under the user ID debbiebordelon. She posted support of Monroe which lead me to believe she was Douglas C. Williams and I pretty much said as much here in the news column, however she turned out to be a real person who runs a bowling league thing from a website.

She let on that she had a nephew serving in Iraq when Monroe was there in mid 2005, and she happened to get talking to him. She liked Monroe so much that she decided to adopt him. I don't mean she became his mom, she applied to adopt him in the sense of sending him stuff in Iraq via this website It's a good cause, and anybody can help, but the fact is Debbie helped probably the only person in the US army who would return that kindness by networking with her. Stupidly Debbie got pulled into Monroe's web of deceit like so many of his slow-witted students, and she clearly believes in his Quest-for-Fame-at-Any-Cost, so now she effectively works on promoting Monroe.

Her defense of Monroe on the IMDb Monroe forum is really lame. Here is a typical post by her...

She is talking to Monroe's "real fans" which is just herself and Douglas. Debbie's troll link she gives has this key piece of advice for spotting a troll...

Irony abounds as we haters have shown her the proof that Monroe isn't to be trusted, because surely there is something we can write that will change her mind, but as Debbie's link specified, "a true troll can NOT be changed by mere words." When I gave Debbie info on Monroe for the 1000th time, she proved this (and admitted to reading this site) by giving this wonderful reply...

She wouldn't be particularly interesting if it wasn't for something she embarked upon in February 2006. Debbie decided to run for election as a Democrat for the role of Portage Town Trustee (I haven't a clue what that means as I'm British). You can read her campaign page here, however I doubt the page will last after the elections so I've copied the really big page. Click an icon to see different segments of the page...

Click an icon to see the BIG candidacy page in sections.

If you want to know just how deep Debbie has fallen into Monroe's trap thenlook no further than her list of 'Favorite Sites'...

That's right, 5 out of her 8 favorites are Monroe's!! That's not all as her favorite person in general also makes several of his own appearances in the campaign, most obviously via a testimonial...

Monroe says he'd vote for her, however the inescapable truth is that anything Monroe puts his name to is a guaranteed failure. Moreover she's basing her entire campaign around an idiot (Monroe), and using her candidacy as a way of promoting him. Quite how much of that was his idea has to be left to the imagination.

To sum things up, regardless whether you're Republican or Democrat (Debbie is the latter), would you seriously vote for a woman who supports a man who tells people to do the following to get on TV and become famous...

Debbie Bordelon, who plans to run for election for the Democrat party, totally supports a man who taught desperate actors that if they chose terrorism it would guarantee to get them on TV. Not only that she also advertises his businesses on her candidacy page, thus directing people towards his learning centers where such militant opinions are taught for his own financial gain. This is much like My Name is Earl where Earl's dad (Beau Bridges) tries to run for election but is stopped in his tracks by his son's attack on a police officer. I'm sure this will all come back to haunt Debbie. A Monroe Mann seal of approval is the equivalent of a notice of demolition.

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