Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Re: Monroe where art thou?


LoL!  At it again

Re: Monroe where art thou?
  by - MovieAddict2006 2 days ago (Sat Sep 9 2006 22:35:54 )
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UPDATED Sat Sep 9 2006 22:36:34

His new book that he kept hyping up for, like, a whole year has three reviews on Amazon. One of them is by me and I didn't even read the book (I felt sorry for Monroe when I saw only one review posted initially so I gave it a five-star, glowing review just to give his confidence a nice boost!). The other two are by Monroe (posing yet again as someone else) and Debbie Bordelon, so we can strike out both of them from being objective.

Basically no one has read his book, I've searched various places including the databases at Barnes and Noble and have been unsuccessful. His other two books are now out of print - supposedly because he's going to release "revised" editions, but really it's because he wasn't selling enough copies to pay for the Pay-On-Demand monthly/annual fees. Combined with his failing band, failing business school and multitudes of other failing businesses, the poor bloke's gone bankrupt is as good as I can guess.

It's a shame he didn't soak up the "peanut gallery" while he could because by effectively eliminating Giorgio's site through the use of his lawyer parents, and thereby causing you, me and all the other "fans" to leave the forum, he's killed off the only (minimal) fame he ever had. A year ago he was infamous, now he's nothing.

“Man is a genius when he is dreaming.” - Akira Kurosawa

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