Tuesday, December 19, 2006

old Ibdb post

Board: Monroe Mann
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'Running for Famous' Radio Debut
  by debbiebordelon     (Mon Jan 30 2006 21:33:37 )
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If you live in the Chicago Land area, and tune into 95.1 FM WVUR, Tuesday, January 31, between 8 and 10 PM, you can listen to Monroe's Band, "Running for Famous". Their CD will be introduced and aired in its entirety. Monroe's Book, "Battle Cries for the Underdog", along with another book, "Guerrilla Networking" co-authored with Jay Conrad Levinson, will be discussed. Final arrangements for a live telephone interview with Monroe are pending.
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UPDATED Tue Jan 31 2006 18:03:53
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Re: 'Running for Famous' Radio Debut
  by debbiebordelon     (Tue Jan 31 2006 20:54:31 )
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I did not say he was appearing at the station... I said a live telephone interview was pending. I was there, I introduced, "Running for Famous", the songs were played. I discussed Monroe, how I met him and all the things that he is up to. The phone interview did not happen though. I do not lie. Sorry.
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Re: 'Running for Famous' Radio Debut
  by debbiebordelon     (Thu Feb 2 2006 06:34:35 )
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"So, either you are lying, or they have some serious short-term memory-loss issues."

I do not lie.

As far as who ever talked to you, and their issues, I cannot account for that.
Knowing now that you called them, however; does explain a couple of bizarre things, and the conversation I interrupted when I walked into the studio. LOL.

Hmmm, here is a third possibility to ponder.... maybe, just maybe... whoever you spoke to was just uninformed???

Have a nice day! ;)

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Re: 'Running for Famous' Radio Debut
  by debbiebordelon     (Fri Feb 3 2006 10:46:38 )
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I did not know Monroe three years ago. I never even heard of Monroe before last summer. I befriended him as a soldier fighting for our country. I found him to be a very intelligent person, with a drive that is Unstoppable. I continue to help and support Monroe anyway I can, as I had done while he was in Iraq. I cannot comprehend your feelings toward him, and I don't understand why anyone would want to do everything in their power to destroy him. One would think that two - three years are an awful long time to hold a grudge.

I have been wondering, what did you expect to accomplish when you called the radio station? Did you call just to ridicule Monroe? You did homework, you found it was not a world wide broadcast. You know the CD, do you really call that a marathon?

You are correct WVUR is not a professional station, nothing scripted... improv and such are encouraged with the student DJs. It was planned for over a week, with the DJ of the 8 - 10 time slot, who ran late, so no one there did know. I am proud I had the opportunity to go on the air and try to persuade the students to get Monroe and "Running for Famous" to play at our school.

My post was genuine, it may have been sensationalized, but no scandal.
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