Friday, February 3, 2006

ANG Unit

I got an e-mail today from the ANG unit I had mailed a package out to before Christmas.  They are a unit that is based in Afghanastan.  He thanked me for the batteries I had sent.  They really appreciated them, and he apologized for not writing sooner.  They had "been out of the loop" (?) for the past 6 weeks.  I am not sure what that means. Must not have had communications. I mailed them a letter telling them they can expect  a box of junk food I sent off today.  I don't know how long it takes for stuff to get to Afganistan.  I know it took 16 days to get to Iraq. 

Thursday, February 2, 2006

Have a nice Day!

Greetings Debbie --

Here is your horoscope for Thursday, February 2:

When you're being personally fulfilled, the people in your life are happier as well. So stop telling yourself that you're making these sacrifices for someone else's benefit. Get clear on your ambitions. Find your destiny.

I do need to clarify my ambitions and find my destiny.  Things are going so fast in my life now, I do not know what to think.  I am just short of the paparazzi hanging around...  then again...I do have a paparazzi wanna be  checking me out.  I didn't think I was worthy!  Maybe I am more than I think I am...  LOL!  I crack myself up.  I had to cut and copy this reply to a post I made on the IMDb.  LOL!  This really cracks me up:

Re: 'Running for Famous' Radio Debut   by - MovieAddict2006 1 day ago (Tue Jan 31 2006 17:58:15 ) Ignore this User | Report Abuse Reply UPDATED Tue Jan 31 2006 18:03:53

We have been in contact. It is 8:00 p.m. Chicago time. 95.1 FM WVUR has no knowledge of a "Manroe Mann" appearing at all on their station.

The Source 95: "No one here has heard of them. Sorry about that.

Monroe's BRILLIANT radio debut!!


This is another reply posted  when I said I was on the radio....


Re: 'Running for Famous' Radio Debut   by - MovieAddict2006 15 hours ago (Wed Feb 1 2006 15:09:28 ) Ignore this User | Report Abuse Reply

I meant his music.

We asked them about Monroe. They said "no one here" (i.e. at the station) knew a "Manroe Mann."

We asked them if they knew whether or not Crazy Morning or Running for Famous were being played. Long pause, until they responded: "No."

So, either you are lying, or they have some serious short-term memory-loss issues.


ROFLMAO!  That does explains a few  bizarre things and a conversation that I interrupted as the studio on Tuesday. I kinda freaked when I read the first reply.  I couldn't believe that this guy would call the radio station.  Then thinking about it I couldn't believe,  that I couldn't believe he did call! I wonder if it was worth the toll call?!?!   I was offended at first, by being called a liar. Then it cracked me up.    I do not waste my time, and energy holding grudges for anyone, especially the ignorant.  Oh well , off to work,  lets see what today will bring.  Hopefully, if all works out... I will be making an even  bigger announcement on the IMDb about Monroe, later today!...  Now that will be really fun!  


Wednesday, February 1, 2006

Radio Debut

Last night was so fun.....I was so nervous.  OMG!  I WAS ON THE AIR!  It did not very smoothly though.  She was rushed and forgot the CD...  luckily, I had one more in my car.. My tape player puked and I did not get to tape the show.  I called Heather after to see if the station would have a taping of it...they did not.  She was disappointed about that also.  She thought it was a wonderful idea, and great show.  She loves Hollywood Girls..  She says that is a really fun song.  SOOOO....  She asked me to come back next week to do it again, so we can get it right this time.    She is so awesome.

James is got home just as I was leaving last night.  He was too tired to go.  He heard me on the show.  He is so mean sometimes.  He told me not to quit my job soon.....LOL!