Tuesday, December 19, 2006

old Ibdb post

Board: Monroe Mann
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'Running for Famous' Radio Debut
  by debbiebordelon     (Mon Jan 30 2006 21:33:37 )
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If you live in the Chicago Land area, and tune into 95.1 FM WVUR, Tuesday, January 31, between 8 and 10 PM, you can listen to Monroe's Band, "Running for Famous". Their CD will be introduced and aired in its entirety. Monroe's Book, "Battle Cries for the Underdog", along with another book, "Guerrilla Networking" co-authored with Jay Conrad Levinson, will be discussed. Final arrangements for a live telephone interview with Monroe are pending.
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UPDATED Tue Jan 31 2006 18:03:53
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Re: 'Running for Famous' Radio Debut
  by debbiebordelon     (Tue Jan 31 2006 20:54:31 )
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I did not say he was appearing at the station... I said a live telephone interview was pending. I was there, I introduced, "Running for Famous", the songs were played. I discussed Monroe, how I met him and all the things that he is up to. The phone interview did not happen though. I do not lie. Sorry.
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Re: 'Running for Famous' Radio Debut
  by debbiebordelon     (Thu Feb 2 2006 06:34:35 )
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"So, either you are lying, or they have some serious short-term memory-loss issues."

I do not lie.

As far as who ever talked to you, and their issues, I cannot account for that.
Knowing now that you called them, however; does explain a couple of bizarre things, and the conversation I interrupted when I walked into the studio. LOL.

Hmmm, here is a third possibility to ponder.... maybe, just maybe... whoever you spoke to was just uninformed???

Have a nice day! ;)

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Re: 'Running for Famous' Radio Debut
  by debbiebordelon     (Fri Feb 3 2006 10:46:38 )
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I did not know Monroe three years ago. I never even heard of Monroe before last summer. I befriended him as a soldier fighting for our country. I found him to be a very intelligent person, with a drive that is Unstoppable. I continue to help and support Monroe anyway I can, as I had done while he was in Iraq. I cannot comprehend your feelings toward him, and I don't understand why anyone would want to do everything in their power to destroy him. One would think that two - three years are an awful long time to hold a grudge.

I have been wondering, what did you expect to accomplish when you called the radio station? Did you call just to ridicule Monroe? You did homework, you found it was not a world wide broadcast. You know the CD, do you really call that a marathon?

You are correct WVUR is not a professional station, nothing scripted... improv and such are encouraged with the student DJs. It was planned for over a week, with the DJ of the 8 - 10 time slot, who ran late, so no one there did know. I am proud I had the opportunity to go on the air and try to persuade the students to get Monroe and "Running for Famous" to play at our school.

My post was genuine, it may have been sensationalized, but no scandal.
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Sunday, October 15, 2006

saving memories

Board: Monroe Mann

Board: Monroe Mann
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Mony Mann, (or his parents), still at work?!?!?
  by - ManicNole (Wed Oct 4 2006 20:08:18 )
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Looks like there was an entire thread recently completely removed from this board. It was the one talking about Mony's absence, and nothing apparently happening.

Are he and his parents SO AFRAID OF THE TRUTH BEING OUT THERE??? They shut down the one website that was the repository OF DOCUMENTED TRUTH ABOUT MONROE AND HIS, "ACTIONS". Maybe Debbie came by and reported it?

Yeah, I'd lean towards another case of Mantoe's parents being afraid of the public actually knowing who he REALLY is. Dang...they REALLY must want him to move out of their basement!!!

Re: Mony Mann, (or his parents), still at work?!?!?
  by - wierzbowskisteedman (Thu Oct 5 2006 09:47:58 )
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Considering their swiping every morsel of information that he could actually use to reach THE TOP (tm), I'd say that want to keep him in their basement. Anyway, I'm sure this thread will have a short life spanas well, so I'll be sure to take a screenshot after I've posted this. Then maybe we could make some sort of picture montage of deleted posts.

Drive George, drive! This one's got a coat hanger!
Re: Mony Mann, (or his parents), still at work?!?!?
  by - equinizzle 2 hours ago (Sun Oct 15 2006 19:00:04 )
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The thread was deleted because all my old posts were deleted, probably over something I said on the Clay Aiken board.

Thursday, October 5, 2006

Still at it.

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Mony Mann, (or his parents), still at work?!?!?
  by - ManicNole 17 hours ago (Wed Oct 4 2006 20:08:18 )
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Looks like there was an entire thread recently completely removed from this board. It was the one talking about Mony's absence, and nothing apparently happening.

Are he and his parents SO AFRAID OF THE TRUTH BEING OUT THERE??? They shut down the one website that was the repository OF DOCUMENTED TRUTH ABOUT MONROE AND HIS, "ACTIONS". Maybe Debbie came by and reported it?

Yeah, I'd lean towards another case of Mantoe's parents being afraid of the public actually knowing who he REALLY is. Dang...they REALLY must want him to move out of their basement!!!

Re: Mony Mann, (or his parents), still at work?!?!?
  by - wierzbowskisteedman 3 hours ago (Thu Oct 5 2006 09:47:58 )
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Considering their swiping every morsel of information that he could actually use to reach THE TOP (tm), I'd say that want to keep him in their basement. Anyway, I'm sure this thread will have a short life span as well, so I'll be sure to take a screenshot after I've posted this. Then maybe we could make some sort of picture montage of deleted posts.

Friday, September 29, 2006

Archive this too! LOL

Board: Monroe Mann
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Monroe where art thou?
  by - equinizzle (Sat Sep 9 2006 16:16:46 )
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What happend tohim?
Re: Monroe where art thou?
  by - MovieAddict2006 (Sat Sep 9 2006 22:35:54 )
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UPDATED Sat Sep 9 2006 22:36:34

His new book that he kept hyping up for, like, a whole year has three reviews on Amazon. One of them is by me and I didn't even read the book (I felt sorry for Monroe when I saw only one review posted initially so I gave it a five-star, glowing review just to give his confidence a nice boost!). The other two are by Monroe (posing yet again as someone else) and Debbie Bordelon, so we can strike out both of them from being objective.

Basically no one has read his book, I've searched various places including the databases at Barnes and Noble and have been unsuccessful. His other two books are now out of print - supposedly because he's going to release "revised" editions, but really it's because he wasn't selling enough copies to pay for the Pay-On-Demand monthly/annual fees. Combined with his failing band, failing business school and multitudes of other failing businesses, the poor bloke's gone bankrupt is as good as I can guess.

It's a shame he didn't soak up the "peanut gallery" while he could because by effectively eliminating Giorgio's site through the use of his lawyer parents, and thereby causing you, me and all the other "fans" to leave the forum, he's killed off the only (minimal) fame he ever had. A year ago he was infamous, now he's nothing.

“Man is a genius when he is dreaming.” - Akira Kurosawa
Re: Monroe where art thou?
  by - ManicNole (Thu Sep 21 2006 22:01:39 )
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Yes, we were his only press. (Well, beyond the idiotic stuff that he'd put on the free press release type boards.) We were just about his only fans. (Beyond a multitude of Mony's personalities, poor Debby, and a wingnut or two that hung out with him.

He probably is getting the movie made. As posted before, (but I don't know if it's still here), he was hooking up with this crappy wake-board video company. If I recall correctly, only one or two of their wake-board videos were even on DVD. Most were only on VHS. They specialize in going out and videotaping people wake-boarding. BWHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!

Yes, he had mommy and daddy close down the repository of his scams and failures. God forbid someone documented the lies and idiocy. Sadly, that was the ONLY thing that made him at all interesting. Now it's gone, and so is the modicum of notoriety he had. No he's just another poor, no-talent actor that tries to feed his ego by putting up a couple of credits on IMDB.

His failure is complete.

Re: Monroe where art thou?
  by - MovieAddict2006 2 days ago (Tue Sep 26 2006 22:39:20 )
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I doubt the movie will ever be made. His film production company's website hasn't been updated in probably close to a year. His blog is basically inactive. His site is never updated. His band is dead.

“Man is a genius when he is dreaming.” - Akira Kurosawa
Re: Monroe where art thou?
  by - ManicNole 2 hours ago (Fri Sep 29 2006 03:59:25 )
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In general, I would tend to agree with you, however, from what I've seen of this production/"film" company, they may still try to work with him.

They seem to be the type of company that, even is we wanted to do a movie about screwing squirels...ON A WAKEBOARD, they'd come out and film it, and put it on VHS.

I figure they will front him little or no money to do this. They will only film it on some lake in Orlando. I wouldn't be surprised of mommy and dadums gave him a little cash to do it. (After all, getting him out of their basement is PRICELESS.)

So, he'll get enough to go down there, get a few acting-wannabees like himself to join in, and make a movie that makes, "Windy City Heat", look like a Lucasfilm production. Then, when they pay a local, old theater to play it one night, he'll sit there in rapture, and proclaim several Oscars and Grammys are on his doorstep. He makes Brian Peppers look ultimately cool.

Re: Monroe where art thou?
  by - wierzbowskisteedman (Tue Sep 12 2006 11:41:59 )
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It's a tragic story indeed, one that will make his wakeboarding themed biopic all the poigant I'm sure. He didn't know what he had until had gone.

It's just rather annoying that he seems to have taken Giorgio down with him.

Drive George, drive! This one's got a coat hanger!